Monday, December 5, 2011

The Gaza Strip

The worst violence I ever saw, 25 years ago, between members of Fatah and the Popular Front. Trying to explain it, it came to my mind the phrase "policy does not solve the problems, but helps in the interpretation." And the story also. Seeing the outrages of the Gaza Strip, will try - political values ​​and I - to explain. Stated the following: I am not a Zionist or anti-Zionist as I earn wages.
One assumption, an office and a little history.
The premise: The easterners were never democratic consciousness and not looked already. Always wanted a strong personality to the command.The premise: You can not ask someone to live like you. When you turn your head, you will still be scratching his nose.
and History:Areas currently represent the Arab world, resulting mostly in the fall of the Ottoman Empire, after the Turkish-Arab war. The powerful forces of the era England - France - and later the U.S., virtually diamelisan the Ottoman Empire, and first de sinora, and in many cases appointed and kings.The borders created in the region after the Ottoman acquisition and colonialism, were drawn with a ruler and therefore not sustainable. As the schemes were established.Created technical states, which then reigned required tyrannical regimes. And when "they disappeared," dominated by violence.The example of Iraq is the most decisive.
Returning to our story. The countries of the region created by the British colonialists and the Revolution of the Arabs against the Ottomans (1914-1916).'Leader of the Arab Revolution was Hussein al-Hashemi (remember Lawrence of Arabia)
Hussein has managed to unite the Arabs, but since expelled the Turks faced rebellion another strong Arab family of Saud, which belonged to the movement Ouachampiton (fanatical Muslims, against the 'tradition of religion. It is the family of bin Laden, hence the similarities with the Evangelicals in the U.S., see my earlier article). The Saud managed to defeat Hussein and the kick (1926), establishing the territories controlled Saudi Arabia, as a theocratic kingdom (1932). (Hence the name of country)Subsequently, the British founded two kingdoms, to exefmenisoun Hussein, giving to the sons. In a given Iraq and another Jordan. In fact the West Bank, after extended beyond the Jordan river.West of the Jordan to the sea were Palestine, which was under British mandate until 1947. The creation of the two kingdoms was a strategic choice of the British, who sought both to unite once Iraq and West Bank, the other to create a theocratic kingdom in Arabia, a dynasty that has Chasemitiki hereditary rights over the holy land of Islam, with very strong historical and religious foundation (for the Arabs and Sunni Muslims everywhere). Taking advantage of Britain multiculturalism and the theocracy, they felt they controlled the entire region, all the oil, one then known deposits existed there and in Texas. So they took except the U.S..In the territories of Palestine in 1947 created two states: Israel and Palestine, kratidia unsustainable. Resulted from a plan trichotomisis Palestine, passed by the General Assembly in 1947. The Decision 181 of the General Assembly provided for the creation of two states and an international protectorate. The Jews accepted the plan that. The Arabs rejected it.
The Arabs never accepted the new status quo.History of the Arab-Israeli wars:
1st: In 1948 the Arabs attacked to dissolve the State of Israel.Israel won and extended the original boundaries. Then the West Bank annexed the West Bank (which was part of the Palestinian state) and transformed into Jordan. In 1970 the PLO (Arafat) attempted to distract violent revolution in the western part of Jordan. The revolt that drowned in blood. He was the notorious 'Black September', with victims in terms Palaistinion multiple valued in the last 50 years of struggle with Israel.
2nd: In 1967 the Arabs started the war to dismantle the State of Israel (War of 6 days). They lost.
3rd: In 1973 the Arabs attacked again (War of Yom Kippur) to get back what they lost territories in 1967. This time, followed the strategy of Alexander the Great, in Granniko. By a coincidence not won, we lost Cyprus.
Who wants to eventually "normalize"? Admit that it won in war, hardly delivered at peace.
- In 1978, the Treaty of Camp David, peacefully returned to Egypt the entire Sinai Peninsula by taking as a "return", the diplomatic recognition from Egypt.- In 1993-94, Israel recognized the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine (PLO), the sole consideration to eliminate the statutes of the declared aim of destroying Israel.- In 2000, negotiations between Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat came close to a complete solution. Israel accepted, then return the entire Gaza Strip and 93% of the West Bank and approached a mutually acceptable solution for the status of Jerusalem.You know it was canceled? Because Israel is begging for one thing: guarantees that the new Palestinian state would give the outset of any future claim. The Palestinians refused.
Who impede Peace? Those who do not want to rearrange the map.The Saudis because they put up with the existing kathestos. The Iranians also do not want it because it will now export only oil and not revolution. The hardline Palestinians do not want it because they seek to destroy Israel, not the creation of a viable Palestinian state alongside Israel. The Jordanians, why should they give space to Palaistinious. Israeli hardliners. Syria does not want it, because it fears that it would limit the role, as a Baathist policemen.
Since Palaistinians and Lebanese are the most progressive cast into the Arab world, everyone is afraid, they could be reach, if solved their problems. Do not forget that at times when the Palestinians were "bourgeois" in the region, the Saudis were nomads.

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